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The original form of Meikyō was called "Rōhai." In the style Wadō-ryū this original form is still practiced today, in Shōrin-ryū and Shitō-ryū even a series of three kata.
The name "Bright Mirror" is probably due to the large circular movement at the beginning of the kata. This occurs twice more later and is meant to symbolize cleaning a mirror or smoothing a water surface so that one can be reflected in it.
As an advanced kata, Meikyō traces back to various basic techniques already found in the Heian kata. This indicates that one should never stop learning and should not neglect the techniques one learned initially.
Meikyō includes only one kiai, rarely is another kiai placed on top of the mikazuki geri. Meikyō and wankan are the only kata in the Shōtōkan in which no two kiai are provided.
Very challenging is the technique that distinguishes Meikyō: the triangle jump. A Jōdan attack is deflected, one jumps slightly sideways forward to attack the opponent in the jump with an elbow strike and then lands - at a safe distance - behind him. This technique requires not only good jumping power, but also body control to execute the elbow strike with kime while the legs are bent. Only an accurate landing allows the karateka to finish on the point where he started.
In the three combinations at the beginning of the kata, three defensive techniques are shown here: Gedan barai, Uchi uke and Age uke. Very common and just as correct is the following combination: Gedan barai, Gedan barai, Uchi uke. The version shown here is more instructive, because three different defense techniques are practiced. For this reason, the choice for the graphical representation fell on the version shown here.
The techniques Bo awase uke can also be executed differently than shown here: the right arm, whose hand grips the attacking stick, first goes in front of one's own head before it is brought down in a circle.
The static nature of Meikyō exudes calmness, similar to Sōchin. Together, the many basic techniques and the rhythm allow the action to be performed with serenity.
Duration: about 60 seconds