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October 2022

Searching for traces to the Essence of Karate at TSV Achim

Achim - Back to the roots of karate. About 70 athletes accepted the invitation of TSV Achim to train together with the expert Fiore Tartaglia (7th Dan). The experienced martial artist filed with the diligently sweating on basic movement principles to optimize the fighting movements.

Courses and variety are the trademark of the karate department of TSV Achim. Instead of focusing on one trainer, they regularly invite different karate masters to expand their own sporting horizons with their help. Due to the pandemic, however, TSV Achim had to wait almost three years before it could again offer a workshop for the general public. "We would have liked to invite an expert earlier but the ever-changing Corona situation stood in the way of sensible planning," explains TSV division manager Ingo Kruse. Thus, the celebrations for the 40th anniversary of the department also had to be cancelled, as it was not possible or sensible to plan an event for more than 50 athletes training at the same time in the long term.

The TSV Achim is all the happier that it was able to engage Fiore Tartaglia, one of the most famous German karateka, for a great workshop. The holder of the 7th Dan (seventh black) belt is the author of several books that belong to the standard library of every experienced karateka. About 70 karateka of all levels listened spellbound to his explanations on the use of the hip in karate movements and tried out the various exercises. Individual corrections to the physically challenging exercises completed Fiore Tartaglia's workshop. Even experienced karateka, who have been allowed to tie on their black belt for many years, were able to work on their own athletic abilities with these impulses.

The external framework of the training sessions was provided by a team led by Roland and Inka Ebermann, who had also established contact with Fiore Tartaglia and invited him to Achim. Information about karate at TSV Achim is available on the Internet at or on the club's Facebook page.


Karate expert Fiore Tartaglia (r.) demonstrates a foot technique here with training partner Roland Ebermann.