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Dresden Karate Team
It is Saturday and the Karateka arrived are all Danträger*innen or Awärter.innen and look forward to the following two karate units and the matching Mondo. The instructor Fiore Tartaglia is not unknown in Reichenbach and ensures a great reception.
The large gymnasium opens its doors and the basic principles of Karate Do are worked on. It is about the hip movement, the individual parts of different techniques and especially the chain reactions in complex movements. It is an intense training with cognitive challenge and above all new individual ideas. We would like to thank Fiore for the ideas, Dirk Eisenschmidt as style direction advisor Shotokan in the SKB for the possibility and the Karate Karatewelt Reichenbach for hosting the event. The catering was great and the many good conversations continue the common path of the Saxon Shotokan.Interesting for all was also the Mondo as entertainment around the topic "stages of mindfulness".Thanks for nice time and we hope for a repetition soon in Saxony and hope for a further lesson from Fiore.
Interesting for all was also the Mondo as entertainment around the topic "stages of mindfulness".