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November 2019

SVL Magazine Klein Nordende


There are many karate courses in which the athletes of SV Lieth participate - the GOOD ones are reported about here...At the beginning of November 5 Liether drove from the contemplative Elmshorn to the proximity of the state capital. The sports friends of the Kieler Dojo had been able to win Fiore Tartaglia as a lecturer, who has a good sporting name not only as the author of various karate books.

The 6th Dan from Göppingen showed himself in the best of moods and well prepared, loosened up the training atmosphere again and again with little jokes and thus ensured an even more interesting training day. The main kata "Chinte" was treated in two training sessions for the upper level. Tartaglia renounced the obligatory all-around warming up of the body but warmed up and stretched the participants purposefully for his lessons.

Chinte (engl. rare hand) is a kata in karate, i.e. a stylized fight against several imaginary opponents.The kata probably has its origin in very rarely used attack and counter techniques on vital points (eyes, nose, ribs). Representative for this kata is e.g. Nihon nukite (two-finger thrust into the eyes) as well as the strongly circular movement elements.

Then he built up the Kata slowly and understandable for all, let train again and again elementary parts. Even Chinte newcomers had no problem to follow the lessons, the "familiar" had the opportunity to study and consolidate the kata more thoroughly.

Partner sequences further helped to understand movement sequences, always leaving room for individual interpretation.The bottom line is that this was a very nice course that deserved many more participants, everyone present took experience and new knowledge with them on the way back. Should Fiore again find the way to the beautiful Schleswig-Holstein, then we will of course be there again and will make for this "insider tip" as a training course proper advertising with our sports friends :-)

Partner exercises for defense and countering various attacks were great fun for all participants.

Frank Trieder