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Karate Kirchheim
Written by Aline Müske
While elsewhere fools romped and Fasnetsküchle mutated into the main meal. met over karatekas to the annual training course of our department with Fiore Tartaglia (6th DAN). to celebrate the carnival season with sweaty training sessions.
Each training was under the motto "goal-oriented trading", which should be trained especially by the "use of the body" and the "synergy of movements".
In the training group up to 6th Kyu, especially the karate-specific "body use" was practiced in different technique executions. Here Fiore conveyed with a lot of fun the importance of a clean technique execution, which the Karatekas could practice afterwards in partner exercises.
The units of the training group 5th Kyu to DAN stood completely in the indication of the "synergy of the movements". Here, too, the popular Sensei explained with much joy what is important in the different techniques. The theory was always followed by practical phases in which the karatekas could put the explanations of the Sensei into practice. Fiore was at their side with questions and advice.
All in all, the course was a successful event. In the end, 15 examinees were able to prove their skills.
We congratulate everyone on passing the exam and would like to thank all the helpers for their active support!