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The circular movements and the use of techniques rarely used in the Shōtōkan style, such as nihon nukite and tate zuki, are the reasons for the name "Chinte" (rare hand).

The Yōi at the beginning of Chinte is done in Heisoku dachi. The hands are closed into fists, with the right hand vertically above the left hand held horizontally. Both hands are held against the body at the level of the solar plexus. The Yōi at the end of the kata is different from that at the beginning. This is a special feature of "Rare Hand", which otherwise occurs only in Kankū dai.

An important learning effect in Chinte is the conscious use of the force generated by pressing the back foot to the floor (transforming Fudō dachi into Zenkutsu dachi).

The three sliding steps at the end are another special feature of this kata. They could be understood as underlining the zanshin principle (as a learning effect): After ending a fighting situation, one remains alert without taking one's eyes off the opponent until a safety distance is reached.
From the first to the last sliding step, they are executed shorter and shorter. To do this, one slides back slightly to the right to return to the starting point of the kata.

Duration: about 60 seconds

Here you will find all information about the techniques in the video